Jan 30Liked by ✨️ Highly Sensitive Woman ✨️

"I found myself back in the dark, seedy alleyways of LinkedIn - probably the social media platform I loathe the most. An absolute carnival of posturing, deception, and self-promotion. As someone who thrives on authenticity, it made my hair stand on end." YES YES YES. This is exactly how I feel! I'm currently avoiding LinkedIn like the plague (it's so triggering) and have resolved to go the old fashioned way of cold-emailing people in my network.

My other survival strategy - remind yourself it's okay to leave! This job isn't permanent, you don't have to stay for five years or even for a year. YOU are in control. If you're unhappy, ditch it. You've done it once before and you can do it again! (and hopefully this time it's less scary).

Good luck!!! Can't wait to follow along.

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Thank you Alexa...exactly! If I hate the place after a month I'm free to leave :) Hopefully it's not the case though 🤣

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Jun 14Liked by ✨️ Highly Sensitive Woman ✨️

Well done for getting back out there and finding what works for you. Although not officially diagnosed, I think I may be somewhere on the adhd spectrum myself. I use a lot of the techniques you outline in this article too, and it really does help to navigate the day and stay sane.

Good luck and looking forward to seeing how it goes with this new role!

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Thank you Selda I appreciate you reading 🤗

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May 27Liked by ✨️ Highly Sensitive Woman ✨️

Great list! It's tough being an HSP and getting through burnout. I've had breaks between roles during my career to recover. I've not used some of the apps on this but keen to explore more

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Mar 27Liked by ✨️ Highly Sensitive Woman ✨️

Wishing you luck and imagining that you are already plunging! I absolutely love this article, and your writing. "more holes in my soul than a freshly baked loaf of sourdough bread" got me. Thank you. This is a beautiful list, and I am planning to check out #5 this week, and I asked for #7 as a birthday gift just this week (I also asked they be given to me whenever they arrival, so asap). I'm planning to use them while working and while parenting (that's their original purpose). #8 inspired me as well. Love that color too!

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Thank you Sara! It's quite an adjustment but things are going OK ! I'm definitely finding it a much healthier place than my previous workplace. ✨️😋 so thatsa huge success!! Thank you for reading :) x

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Apr 10Liked by ✨️ Highly Sensitive Woman ✨️

Well that’s amazing! You’re welcome! And thank you!!

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As a fellow HSP woman, possibly with ADD, I get the panic and then questioning the new job. We've got two challenge there - our deep thinking and need for things to be RIGHT. There will always be difficulties in any job we take on just because we are HSP, but personally, I never lasted at any job that I had to force myself to do. This thing that takes up so much of our lives must have some redeeming quality or it's a no go for me. But I think I'm a bit picky about that. I hope your new job brings you pleasure and satisfaction to balance out the challenges!

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Thanks Sheryl 💕 I've really struggled with jobs before and having to force things or mask heavily in the role. I also hope this job works out but I'm also keeping in mind it's a means to end while I work on writing and delving back into some energy healing. Although I feel jaded I am leaving a little space open for the possibility of good!! Let's see where it goes 😍

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